Here’s What They’re Saying About Motu-nui Rams
"Our stock can now hold condition better and bounce back extremely well if challenged" … Rob Craw & Amelia Hodder, Ohana & Aria
“We started using Motu-Nui Romney rams on our Coromandel farm around 9 years ago after going for a look around at different breeders to see who had similar conditions to what we face. We were after rams that were not too big and were able to produce progeny that can perform in the challenging conditions that are becoming more common. We found Moto-nui also experienced challenging conditions but managed to have high performing sheep, with rams that met our criteria. We found the Motu-nui rams were able to hold condition on our predominately kikuyu pasture in our costal environment, allowing them to perform well.
The progeny from the Motu-nui rams are improving year on year, with the lambs being born healthy and having great type, constitution and a bit of size to them, helping with survival during undesirable weather over lambing. We are continually impressed with the growth rate of the lambs, noticing a big improvement in yields. We finish all progeny on our support block, with the stock manager commenting on how they don’t have to be a big sheep to yield well.
When Motu-nui introduced their FE Romneys, we jumped on the opportunity, introducing them into our support block in the King Country, with lamb survival and performance also increasing. Since using Motu-nui rams, the maternal ability of our ewes has increased, with our lamb survival rates increasing. We have found both the ewes and rams move around the hills well with good feet, the constitution of our ewes is ever improving, and we are starting to see a more consistent line of sheep coming through in our young stock. Our stock can now hold condition better and bounce back extremely well if challenged, which is something we hold very important.
We are looking forward to seeing what the future brings for our ewes as we are very pleased with the changes so far.”
Rob Craw & Amelia Hodder
Ohana (377ha, 2500 LSU) & Aria (519ha, 4500 LSU)
"Strong maternal ability has helped with our lamb survival rates" … William Forbes, Turnberry Station
“We’ve used Motu-nui rams for the last 12 years, starting with the Motu-nui Romney, before changing to the Motu-nui crossbred. After dealing with alot of facial ezcema five seasons ago, we decided to invest in the Motu-nui FE crossbred ram. Since using the Motu-nui FE rams we haven’t anywhere near the livestock losses we faced that year, with FE still being prevalent.
Before using Motu-nui rams, we were struggling to scan above 160%, but have scanned at 193% and 205% for the last two years respectively. Using high fertility rams such as the Motu-nui FE crossbred has been pivotal in helping us reach this higher scanning percentage.
Once the lambs are on the deck, the strong maternal ability of the Motu-nui sheep is highlighted, with ewes often standing over their lambs as we drive past. This strong maternal ability has helped with our lamb survival rates on Turnberry station, especially during some of the more wild weather we often experience over lambing.
We are very happy with the constitution, structure and hardiness of both the Motu-nui rams and their progeny, which I know the team at Motu-nui rams pride themselves on.
The team at Motu-nui are very helpful, are transparent about their systems, breeding objectives and are always looking to improve their sheep. The performance of their sheep along with their values above has made it an easy decision to have been a client of Motu-nui’s since 2011.”
William Forbes
Turnberry Station
(750ha, 7000 LSU)
"Impressed with the survivability, durability and hardiness" … Paul & Kelly Phillips
“We have had a working relationship with Motu-nui Rams for over 20 years. Motu-nui supplies Bramerton in the Wairarapa and TeTuhi in Taupo with breeding rams for our two farming operations.
We have always been impressed with the genetics of the flock and the survivability, durability and hardiness.
We would like to thank Motu-nui for all their hard work getting their sheep to such a high standard.”
Paul & Kelly Phillips